Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/133

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sleeves and long gloves; white hat; black shoes; blue stockings.

GILPIN, MRS. JOHN. Short white or brocaded dress, with paniers and fichu, trimmed with lace; large satin hat, and hair poudré, or mob cap.

GIPSY, QUEEN OF GIPSIES, FORTUNE, FORTUNE-TELLER, PEDLAR, BOHÉMIENNE, AND ZINGARI. For the pedlar and fortune-teller order of Gipsies, a short red, black, or print skirt, loose red bodice, with belt; yellow handkerchief round neck, red cloak, straw bonnet, and basket stocked with laces, clothes-pegs, cheap jewellery, packs of cards; bright red petticoat with band of black velvet and gold braid on either side. Algerian tunic, velvet bodice, low square short turreted sleeves, trimmed with gold braid and sequins, gold cord from shoulder attached to a small dagger at the waist; chemisette of soft muslin with puffed sleeves tied at elbow with black velvet; orange and red handkerchief tied round head, the ends crossing at back fastened with large gold pins; coin ornaments. Or, a striped woollen petticoat, a blue jacket, cut V-shape at neck, lined with maize; a muslin apron and bib, playing-cards sewn to skirt; worsted hand-kerchief tied over head. The more ornamental Gipsy Queens, &c., wear short dresses of red, yellow, and black satin be-trimmed with gold, as follows: Red satin petticoat, with black velvet and gold hieroglyphics, trimmed with coins and gold fringe; gold satin upper-skirt, covered with a gold trellis-work, and Vandykes with coins, Spanish balls, and fringe; silk scarf of many colours round waist, stay-bodice of black velvet, trimmed with gold, short sleeves, black velvet bag; gold crown with coins, bracelets and armlets united by chains, coin ornaments; a tambourine in hand. This is equally applicable for a Zingari or Bohemienne, except that a gold net and coins is best for the head. High black satin boots with gold trimmings, or black shoes embroidered in gold, and sometimes a white chemisette above the low bodice, black gloves, black stockings; pale yellow flowered skirt, draped with jonquil satin, crape sash studded with stars; red satin bodice over lace; yellow gauze draped across the shoulders; scarf of red and yellow gauze about the head. (See also Portuguese Gitana, Preciosa, and Esmeralda, and Coloured Illustration V.)