Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/142

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ribbon. When the piece was acted, in 1773, the first dress was white figured with black; a silk scarf folded round the shoulders and tied behind the waist; hair in ringlets; large flat straw hat trimmed with ribbons. The second dress: plain silk, neat apron, small cap and mittens. Mrs. Langtry in the character appeared as follows:—First dress: pale lemon satin petticoat puffed and trimmed with embroidery; pointed bodice, cut low; elbow sleeves, trimmed with old point; satin train, with brocade of moss rosebuds and leaves on gold ground; point lace ruffles; diamond buckles. Second dress: cream embroidered India muslin and Sicilienne square bodice, pointed in front, Watteau back, and elbow sleeves, trimmed with marigold ribbons and marigolds; lace ruffles and fichu; brown velvet hat and cream plumes; Suede gloves. Third dress: short skirt of blue grey cashmere rolled to waist; tunic at back; pointed bodice; elbow sleeves; fichu apron; ruffles of muslin; cap of muslin and lace, with revers; trimmed with coloured ribbons. Bunch of keys, scissors, needlebook, and pincushion attached to side by red ribbon; grey stockings. (See Plate VII., Fig. 25.)

HARDCASTLE, MRS. Plain satin skirt; chintz over-dress; pointed bodice; elbow sleeves; fichu; powdered hair; cap.

HARDY, MISS LETITIA (Belle Strafageme). In first scene: wears grey brocaded satin gown made short; high heeled black shoes; pink stockings; white muslin hood fastened under chin with pink ribbons, and over it a hood of grey cloth, with rose lining; carries a grey pink lined muff. In the next act: a white muslin and lace dress with sacque of lemon-coloured satin brocade; pattern of brown foliage and blue blossoms; wreath of yellow flowers knotted with blue ribbon.

HARLEQUIN ETTE. Short skirt of orange, blue, and scarlet, arranged in. diamonds; jacket, bodice and tight sleeves, opening over a white waistcoat, a red scarf round the hips; black cocked-hat, black cloth gaiters, black silk mask, and black wand; or wooden baton in the hand. Or, white tulle dress and low black velvet bodice, with diamonds. Or, orange, black, and red satin carried diagonally across skirt to hem; mask and wand. This character is suitable for children. Or, short pleated black, red, and yellow satin skirt draped with red satin; tunic meeting cuirass bodice, copied from harlequin;