Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/156

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back into a smooth knot, from which depend one or two long curls; piece of blue velvet round the head, fastened with a bow at the top. Or, a long dark brown velveteen dress; high bodice, with very deep basques all round; tight fitting sleeves, with puff at the top, slashed with amber sateen; ruffle of brown and amber lace; white lace turned-down cuff's.

HUMMING-BIRD. Dress of white tulle scattered all over with feathers and jewels; the train composed entirely of feathers, ending in a point like a humming-bird's tail; four little wings fastened between the shoulders; a small bird on the head.

HUNGARIAN. Short white or red satin skirt, with rows of gold braid and ermine; blue or ruby tunic, with ermine; low satin bodice, with ermine and bands of velvet; jacket of velvet bordered with fur slung from shoulder; round cap bordered with fur; high patent leather hunting-boots. Or, sometimes a long pelisse high to the throat replaces the jacket tunic and low bodice; a gold and red scarf round hips; ornaments, glass beads of different colours; high boots bordered with fur; the hair hanging in plaits, plain in front. Gold and silver embroidery admissible.

HUNGARIAN LADY'S MILITARY DRESS. White and gold dress over black Astracan; short petticoat; short cape on left shoulder; black Astracan and blue busby. Or, blue under-skirt trimmed with silver bands; dark green velvet over-dress, bordered with the same; sleeves embroidered in silver; blue and silver cord across chest; mantle and hat blue, trimmed with fur.

HUNGARIAN PEASANT. White woollen skirt with rows of green velvet and red satin edged with gold; low square red velvet bodice, braided in gold across the front, and cut in tabs, each ornamented with an Hungarian knot; a watch hangs one side; the Parta (headdress) is of striped red, white, and green ribbons, the national colours; white lace fichu; red leather boots. The Hungarian peasant in the Bukowina wears a curious head-dress of silk, gold braid and feathers, and fur, fixed to a card-board foundation; sleeveless leather jacket with the soft bunda, the hairy surface turned inside forming a furry edge; linen sleeves, with Oriental embroidery; sash, bright coloured silk, with bright velvet band. Another