Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/182

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LURLINE. Dress of frosted or silver spangled tulle, over white or green, caught up with crystal and aquatic plants, such as water-lilies and grasses; a veil of tulle to match dress hangs over the floating hair, which should be covered with frosting powder; bodice of silver tissue; diamond ornaments. (See Water Nymph.)

LUTIN. Short white muslin skirt with two flounces; satin tunic, caught up at side by bands of black velvet; corselet bodice of black satin, embroidered with gold, double braces of the same, worn over muslin; under bodice open at neck, with elbow-sleeves; cap and mittens.

LUXURY. A black or white evening dress covered with fruit, flowers, shells, seaweed, gems, birds, &c. Head-dress of fruit, necklace of cherries.

LYDIA LANGUISH. Dress of white India muslin, trimmed with lace; sash and breast bows of dark violet ribbon; hair in curls, pearls round neck. Or, as in last scene, a silk hood, black silk scarf, long gloves. Or, handsome red and white brocaded silk dress, looped up over a white satin petticoat; hair powdered.

LYONS, LADY OF. (See Pauline, and Melnotte Widow.)

MABEL (Rob Roy). Plain skirted dress, of soft wool; bibbed apron; fur edged hood.

MACBETH, LADY. First dress: A long velvet robe, with a narrow velvet tunic fastening down the front, with brode-quins; low bodice, showing white chemisette slightly at the neck; plaid scarf flowing loosely; short sleeves; massive bracelets; long hair; a velvet cap secured by a broad ribbon passing under the chin. Second dress: White satin trimmed with silver; scarlet mantle with ermine; silver coronet surmounted by cross. Third dress: White wrapper trimmed with lace. Witches. Short skirt with frogs and toads appliqued in black velvet on quilted satin skirt, chintz tunics; black velvet bodices laced in front; ruffles at elbow; cats and owls on shoulder; short cloaks with square collar at back; high black velvet hats, entwined with serpents.