Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/19

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is applied thus: A puff well filled is held above the head, jerking the elbow with the other hand. The process should be repeated over and over again, and it is incredible the amount of powder that ought to be used to produce a satisfactory result. An easy mode of dressing the hair for powder is to part it across the head from ear to ear, turning the front over a high cushion, making the back into a long loose chignon, with a few marteaux or rolled curls behind the cushion. Sometimes the roll in front is replaced by a series of marteaux placed diagonally. Sometimes the centre-piece only is rolled over the cushion, with marteaux at the sides. Sometimes the back has four marteaux on either side, put diagonally, with others behind the ear, or a bunch of loose curls fall at the back. All this may be made easier by having false marteaux and curls, which have a far better effect than a wig. It is, however, very much the fashion to powder the hair as it is worn now, viz., with curls in front and a coil or twist at the back, a style which accords well with the dress worn when powder was in fashion.

The giving of Fancy Balls requires more pre-arrangement than an ordinary entertainment. The men-servants are often put into the costumes of Family Retainers of old days, the women dressed as Waiting-maids of the 18th century; the Band also don fancy attire.

The Decorations should be arranged with some regard to the many vivid colours worn by the company. Chinese lanterns hung in passages and balconies have a good effect, and the flowers should not be of too brilliant a hue; green foliage is the best background.

Occasionally the hostess elects that her guests shall appear in costumes of a particular period, and Poudré Balls find many patrons. Under these circumstances the lady guests only wear powder with ordinary evening dress, the gentlemen making no change from their usual attire, save perhaps that white waistcoats and button-holes are enjoined.

A marked feature at most Fancy Balls is a specially-arranged