Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/227

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coloured violet pansies, one large one forming the head-dress the petals standing well round the head, like a brim; the bodice made of dark petunia velvet, arranged to simulate the flower, the soft peach crêpe de chine draped with pansies; a fan in the shape of a pansy. (See Plate X., Fig. 38.) Or, dress of amber-coloured soft silk, trimmed with purple bands, outlined with gold; loops of purple and amber-coloured ribbons on the top of the sleeves; head-dress in the shape of the flower; white bibbed apron, embroidered in purple; a gold basket of hearts-ease carried. Or, dress of violet tulle and satin with profuse trimmings of the flower; wreath and shoes to correspond. (See Flowers.)

PAON. (See Peacock.)

PAQUERETTE (Easter Daisy). Short upper skirt of white tulle, green satin beneath, with large leaves; gold satin corselet; large collar of the petals of the flower; an aureole of white flowers tipped with gold in hair.

PAQUITA (Giroflé Girofla). Blue and white-striped stockings, blue satin shoes, with high heels; short skirt of blue and white-striped silk, double skirt of white silk, cut in vandykes, bound with blue, and draped gracefully over the skirt. The low bodice, as well as this upper skirt, is trimmed with gold braid, and over the low bodice is a sleeveless senorita jacket of blue cashmere, bound with gold, having a ball fringe of gold; the silk forms a puff for the short sleeve, with straps of blue over it; head-dress, a white muslin veil attached by a bunch of roses.

PARR. (See Catherine.)

PARROT. A yellow gown with cuirass bodice and cap of green feathers like a parrot's head, two long feathers forming the tail on the skirt; the rest of the dress green satin, with wings at the side formed of feathers.

PASQUINETTE. Bodice and sleeves made high; half red, half gold satin, with rosettes down the centre, a wide turn-down frill at the throat, made of lace; skirt of the same, interblending with a pouf all round the waist; one stocking red, one gold, shoes also; high gold-coloured hat with red spots, and rosettes of the two colours mixed in coloured ribbons.

PATCHWORK. Short double skirt and low bodice à la Vierge, of patchwork, cut in large diamonds, with alternate