Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/236

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PIGEON. (See Carrier.)

PILGRIM. Brown woollen habit reaching to the feet, a cord round the waist, sleeves to wrist; cape, and hood; cockle-shells on cape and on broad-brimmed low-crowned hat; staff surmounted with cross or gourd; sandalled shoon.

PILLAR POST. Long red satin dress; white waistcoat with placard bearing hours of collection printed on it; head-dress, square cap, the same form as top of letter-box. (See Plate XV., Fig, 57.)

PINAFORE, H.M.S. Josephine and Hebe wear fashionable morning dresses; the Sisters, Cousins, and Aunts appear in yachting dresses with striped cotton skirts; serge blouses, sailor collars, tarpaulin sailor hats. Little Buttercup in an old-fashioned straw bonnet, cotton gown, and black and red shawl pinned across her shoulders. (See B.)

PIRATES OF PENZANCE. The daughters of Major-General Stanley appear in costumes of bright colouring, made in the fashion of fifty years ago—short flounced skirts, short-waisted bodices with muslin fichus, short sleeves, long mittens coming well above the elbow, reticules hung from the arm, and either poke bonnets or very large hats, with a bunch of roses clustered on one side. This carried out in white satin, pink roses, bright heliotrope or claret, would be effective and picturesque. (See Appendix.)

PLANETS. White satin short skirt, bordered with a blue silk band and dotted with silver stars; white gauze over-skirt and plaited low bodice bespangled with stars; long wing-like sleeves to match; blue satin Swiss belt cut in points, a star on each; blue coronet with stars; long veil with stars; necklace and bracelets of the same.

PLAYING CARDS. (See Cards, and Queens of different suits.)

PLENTY, GODDESS OF. Fashionable white silk evening dress with wreaths of vine-leaves, wild flowers, and fruit; the same in the hair. Or, a classical dress of cashmere trimmed with the same. (See Greek.)

POCAHONTAS. Crimson velvet dress; bright coloured scarf to match; skirt and bodice covered with beads, coins, and bangles of glass and brass; hair in two long plaits