Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/251

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ribbon round the crown; the hair powdered and frizzed at the side, long curls at back; violet velvet habit made with over-hanging collar and cape, such as the men of the period wore; it has buttons and frogs on the bodice; the shoes have gold buckles; old point-lace tie at neck.

RISING GENERATION, ONE OF. A fashionable fancy costume of the moment worn by children and grown-up people. A short, plain frock with a gathered flounce round; low, full bodice with large sash tied at the back; short sleeves in one puff; black shoes buttoned round the ankle; hair in long plaits. It is also rendered by reproductions of some of Kate Greenaway's sketches of children.

RIVALS. (See Lydia Languish, and Mrs. Malaprop.)

ROAMING, I'VE BEEN. Plain full skirt of poppy red Turkey twill, bordered with a deep band of pale blue; square cut bodice with elbow sleeves; tunic of print or cretonne all in one, gathered to bodice; paniers caught back; large muslin apron and kerchief; elbow ruffles; red stockings, black shoes and buckles; hair worn down the back; large straw hat, poppies and wild flowers, wreath round hat; strings of small flowers as necklet and bracelets; palm-leaf fan, painted green, covered with flowers.

ROBSART. (See Amy.)

ROCOCO. Ecru petticoat, with bands of black velvet; tunic and bodice of blue brocade, looped with black velvet and roses; powdered hair; blue velvet hat; rococo ornaments.

ROMAN LADY. Long, soft, falling skirt; under-bodice, full and low, the short sleeve buttoned on the outside of arm; loose over-bodice, secured by brooches on shoulder, belt round waist; the lower all-round basque formed by fulness, bordered with gold; over-mantle swathed about figure; hair close to head in waves; veil of woollen cloth; tiara in flat bands. The dress of course altered in various centuries. Cesare Vitelli's drawings give an excellent idea of the varieties.

ROMAN PEASANT. (See Italian.)

ROME. White satin skirt, bordered with red cashmere and Grecian gold border; upper-skirt cashmere, divided into three edged with gold fringe; front division embroidered in gold, with the letters S. P. Q. R.; side division has a Roman