Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/257

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black, one red. Or, tight-fitting low bodice of red satin, and a red skirt, with black lace; round the edge of short skirt, a plaited flounce with cards; bodice and sleeves trimmed to match, and a cap on the head of red and black satin with a few cards on one side; ornaments, gold, and a fan composed of satin and cards; black gloves, with bracelets like serpents, and loops of red satin; croupier's rake in hand, with cards on left shoulder; red fan. (See Coloured Illustration of Monte Carlo, Plate XI.)

ROULETTE. Short skirt of red and green cloth, with all the numbers, insignias, and terms of the game, such as "manque," printed in white; bodice of red and black satin; powdered hair, with small roulette board on one side j a croupier's rake suspended from the waist.

ROWENA, THE LADY (Ivanhoe). Scanty under-dress touching the ground, with bodice of pale sea-green satin; over this a long-flowing cashmere robe reaching to the ground, either white or crimson, having wide hanging elbow-sleeves, all richly embroidered in gold; a girdle about the waist, a gauze scarf interwoven with gold threads fastened to the left shoulder; the hair entwined with pearls, a gold circlet and gold-spangled veil; gold chain with charm attached; gold bracelets and armlets. Or, sea-green silk skirt, ornamented with pearls; robe of crimson cashmere, bordered with ermine; pearl coronet, and crystal veil.

ROXANA. Dress of cloth of gold bordered with swansdown, and lined with vert d'eau satin, over an under-dress of Turkish red.

RUBENS' WIVES. Isabella Brant (first wife). Skirt of white satin bordered with gold; over-dress and bodice of mauve velvet, high to the throat, the skirt embroidered all round with gold cord and pearls; sleeves to wrist with slashings inside the arm and puffings beneath; turn-back cuff of lace; very large ruff round the throat; hair powdered, high-pointed hat, jewelled band round the brim, widening at the side and turned up. Helena Forman (secondwife). Yellow and brown silk and violet velvet, the skirt of the velvet touching the ground; the bodice a low square with square ruff, lace edged; the hair in curls; the bodice, which has a broad rounded point, has jewels in front on a yellow stomacher; the sleeves have an upper puff of violet, an elbow puff slashed