Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/266

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SOUR GRAPES. Maize sateen dress, covered with grapes cut out from chintz and appliquéd on; a muslin cap on the head with a bunch of grapes, and bunches of artificial grapes on the low square bodice and elbow-sleeves, and in the muslin apron turned up and forming a lap.

SOVEREIGN AND SHILLING (for two sisters). One wearing gold, the other silver. Evening dresses of gold or silver-spangled tulle, liberally trimmed with coins, which fringe the bodice; ornaments of the same; gold-netted or silver scarf on skirt with coins attached; rings and tassels at end to resemble a purse; Phrygian cap of satin with the same coins; gold or silver aigrette in front.

SPADES, QUEEN OF. (See Cards.)

SPANISH LADY. (See Carmen.) Short satin skirt (white, red, yellow, or rose) with black lace flounces headed by bands of velvet or gold; low bodice of the same; senorita jacket of velvet trimmed with ball fringe, made with long sleeves; high comb; lace mantilla fastened over it with red and yellow roses, the hair in a coil at back; gloves, mittens, and high heeled shoes. This is the ordinary Spanish fancy dress: a black silk dress with square-cut bodice is also en règle. The costumes in Spain, as they appeared when the late King Alphonso was married to Queen Mercedes, were: The Women of Carvajales, short embroidered flannel skirts, silk mantillas worked with gold spangles, gold necklaces and earrings, and shoes with silver buckles; those of Dermillo, short black velvet skirts, aprons embroidered with coloured silks, small China crape shawls, and black shoes with silver buckles. The Women of Toledo, short silk skirts, trimmed with gold and silver braid; black velvet bodices with gold buttons; red velvet apron, and black velvet shoes; coral necklace, and the hair tied up with coloured ribbons. The Women of Murcia, an embroidered skirt, black velvet bodice, white shoes embroidered with gold. From Malaga as "Majos," with flounced skirts, China crape shawls, and large pearl necklaces. The "Comparsa" from Valencia, short silk skirts, embroidered with silver and gold; satin bodices of different colours, with tight sleeves; silk stockings, and large white satin shoes; a silver comb in the hair, with hair-pins and coloured beads; necklaces; and baskets of flowers on their arms. Saragossa, short cotton skirts, small coloured crape shawls crossed round their waists;