Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/275

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velvet bodice embroidered in silver, with short sleeves, and points at waist, back and front; hair in plaits, a large bow of ribbon at the back. In some parts of Sweden a white linen cap is worn, the shape of a paper bag, the points standing out at either side of the head.

SWEEP, LADY. Dress of dull black satin, with the word "Sweep" in silver on skirt and bodice; a sweep's circular broom in hand; a characteristic smut on cheek.

SWEET SEVENTEEN. (See White Dresses.)

SWEETHEART, MY. Dainty dress of pale pink satin; large muslin pinafore trimmed with antique Valenciennes lace; large hat with wreath of wild flowers.

SWISS. For the several cantons the peasant's costume varies considerably. In Glarus the dress is not picturesque; a bonnet very much like a nightcap covers the head; the plain body opens V-shape in front, bordered with a ruche, and the white linen apron contrasts with the dark petticoat. The Ementhal dress is one of those generally copied; a coquettish straw hat covered with flowers; black velvet corselet bodice and yoke-piece worn over a chemisette with sleeves to elbow, the black velvet covered with silver embroidery, and hung with silver chains; closely-plaited short skirt of green or lilac. The distinguishing feature of the Basle dress is the silver chain round the waist; the head-dress is black silk, like that worn in many parts of Germany. In Schaffhausen the bodice is still more ornamented. In Niedwalden, on the Lake of Lucerne, the bodice is supplemented by a massive silver collar; a silver arrow through the hair. The Geneva girl wears a French muslin cap, tight-fitting jacket, lace-embroidered neckerchief, short apron and petticoat, high-heeled shoes. At Neuremberg the dress is sombre, and not distinctive. The Waadtläuderin wears a low bodice, with a many-coloured chemisette; striped petticoat, silk apron: white stockings; square-toed shoes; straw hat. In Tessin the girls wear a multi-coloured apron, high square bodice over white chemisette; head-dress, a tinsel crown with silver arrows; sandals with wooden soles and high heels. In Valois they wear a dark dress and curiously-plaited white cap. In the canton of Uri the dress is dark, the cap large, with a butterfly-wing fastened to the back of head. The girls of St. Gallien wear a striped skirt; silk bodice laced with gold or silver chains, short white sleeves; black gauze cap with a fan of gauze on either side of the crescent-shaped bandeau which