Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/315

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collar; silk necktie; grey hat trimmed with blue ribbons and aigrette; cane in hand.

FIGARO (Barber of Seville). Dark green velvet Spanish jacket embroidered in silver; white satin waistcoat; green velvet breeches with pink ribbons; pink sash with silver fringe, and necktie; Spanish hat; pink bows on shoes, white silk stockings; mandoline in hand.

FLY COSTUME FOR BOY OF FOUR. Golden yellow satin skirt, ornamented with black braid and studded with small gauze flies. The short upper skirt forms a sort of long basque, and is sewn to the waistband; rows of gold braid across the high bodice, and round the short sleeves; loose jacket ornamented with gauze; fly in the centre of back, and smaller ones in front; black velvet toque, with gold band round, a gold fly fastening down aigrette.

GAINSBOROUGH (after Lady Barbara Yelverton). A plain white muslin gown, with short sleeves, having ruches at the neck and elbows of rose-coloured or blue ribbons; a large sash of corresponding colour tied round the waist; an elaborately-trimmed lace cap. Suitable for a girl of ten.

GARIBALDI. Red shirt and grey trousers, with silver stripe; large felt hat with ostrich feather.

GOBLIN. Tight-fitting justaucorps of red; red Vandyke tunic; winged hood with cape; fork in hand. (See Coloured Plate XVI.)

GREEK (Boy). White plaited fustanetta, or petticoat, wide silk belt, ornamented with gold; short embroidered vest, buttoned at throat; jacket; full trousers to knee, and gaiters; fez; dagger stuck in belt. Made in satin, cashmere, or cloth.

GREEK GIRL'S DRESS. Skirt of wood-coloured llama or nun's veiling, braided with gold; green velvet jacket, slashed and edged with gold braid; flowing muslin sleeves; necklet of gold leaves; hair in plaits; small round cap.

GRENADIER (1760). High white gaiters buttoned to knee; blue coat turned back with red; red cuff's; white waistcoat and breeches; red and white pointed cap; sword; hair in pigtail. (See Plate XVI., Fig. 63.)

GREENAWAY, KATE. Reproductions of little people after this charming artist are much in favour at children's Fancy