Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/37

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APRIL. Short skirt of pale blue tulle with crystal drops; black bodice having pendent sleeves with silver moons; grey tulle wound round head and shoulders like a filmy cloud. Sometimes called April Showers.

AQUARIUM. Fashionable evening dress of blue and green tulle, trimmed with marine plants and ornamented with fish and shells, the octopus on one side of the skirt; veil of green tulle; hair floating on shoulders. Bodice trimmed with seaweed and coral; ornaments, silver fish and coral.

ARABIAN WOMAN. Loose trousers to the ankles of gauze or muslin over silk; cerise silk short skirt, covered with white striped gauze; blue tunic and loose bodice, opening en cœur, trimmed with gold braid; under bodice of folded muslin; long hanging gauze sleeves; red silk turban with sequins, or conical cap studded with gold and jewels; hair hanging in plaits, with flowers; mantle of yellow stuff, fastened to the shoulders; red embroidered slippers, bangles round ankles; gold bracelets, rows of coral and beads, chains about the neck; gold fibulæ.

ARABELLE (BABIOLE). Short white silk skirt, with three box-plaited flounces edged with blue satin. Blue satin apron, and bodice cut square and bordered with a frill of lace; elbow sleeves.

ARBLAY, MADAME D'. The famous Fanny Burney, lady in waiting to Queen Charlotte (see Burney). Pale blue satin petticoat, with pearls and silver braid. Flowered satin over skirt, with white ground, made short in front to show blue hose, and high heeled shoes with diamond or silver buckles; powdered hair; a high cap of white lace tied under the chin. Bodice square cut, with elbow sleeves showing a muslin kerchief crossed in front. Any good Georgian costume is suitable.

ARCADIAN SHEPHERDESS. Short blue skirt; a narrow long white apron, with stripes of white linen bordered with pink and ornamented with pink bows; a white under-bodice comes to a point about three or four inches below the waist, and is covered by a low blue bodice with revers, leaving a diamond-shaped piece of the white visible; the sleeves are blue, made full and trimmed with pink and white; the hat is