Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/44

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BAIGNEUSE. Soft white serge knickerbockers; full loose bodice and skirt trimmed with red braid, red scarf round the waist; espardelles on the feet, covered with flesh-coloured stockings; red cap.

BALCHRISTIE, MRS. ("The Portly Housekeeper," in Heart of Mid-Lothian). Dark dress, plain skirt, low square bodice, kerchief tucked inside; sleeves to elbow, muslin ruffles below; square muslin lace-edged apron covering front breadth; muslin cap with bows and ends of ribbon. Stick in hand; bunch of keys at side. Woollen stuff, satin, silk, or velvet are suitable materials. (See Plate II., Fig. 5.)

BALEARIC ISLES, PEASANTS OF. Dress of black silk or merino; bodice made half-high, with elbow sleeves, ornamented down all the length with metal buttons; the bodice is trimmed in front with silver beads and chains; full plain skirt, large striped apron. The distinguishing feature is the rebozello, viz., the head-dress in two parts, one made of muslin or lace, like a half handkerchief, the centre point falling at the back, two ends in front, the other, a closer fitting head-dress, is fastened at the back of the head, and brought together beneath the chin like a nun's veil. The hair floats loosely beneath it.

BARBARA YELYERTON, LADY. (See Gainsborough.)

BARMAID (Louis XVI.). Red silk skirt bordered with black velvet band; tunic of Pompadour chintz; white muslin apron and fichu; black velvet bodice with lace revers on the sleeves; muslin coif, stiff, and trimmed with black velvet.

BARNABÉ, MADAME (La Timbale d'Argent). Short skirt of sky-blue cashmere, with five graduated rows of black velvet; low blue bodice cut in tabs round the waist, trimmed with black velvet, showing a low linen chemisette above, bordered with blue ruching; muslin apron trimmed to match; black kid shoes with black straps across the instep, and buckles. The hair turned back and entwined with blue scarf.

BADRABADOUR, PRINCESS (Arabian Nights). Amber satin skirt, opening over under-dress and bodice of pale blue satin, embroidered with gold and made with tight amber sleeves, and hanging blue satin ones outside; red scarf draped about hips; hair in two long plaits, blended with pearls;