Page:Fantastic Volume 08 Number 01.djvu/7

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Dear Editor:

The October issue was great. I enjoyed "Suicide World" particularly. It would make a good movie.

I voted for fact articles in the questionnaire. "The Voodoo Queen of New Orleans" and "Shadows Over the White House" are certainly fantastic enough.

W. C. Brandt
1725 Seminary Avenue
Oakland 21, Calif.

Ok, Darryl, do you hear the man?

Dear Editor:

Congratulations on a fine, enjoyable publication. I believe that you supply the most desirable short stories and novelettes I have ever read.

I was interested in the letter from Ed Doerr in the October issue. He expounded his disfavor with science fiction as it exists today very eloquently. Of course I am in harmonious agreement with his basic message. Science fiction and science are definitely not to be confused with each other. However, I would never agree to expressing my opinion in the method he employed.

Even the advanced science of today will eventually have to bow to the yet undiscovered facts of tomorrow. History is a book with many unwritten chapters left for humanity to fill. I believe even Mr. Hermann J. Muller, "world famous Nobel Prize geneticist and a science fiction fan . . ." would agree with this.

Mr. Doerr unnecessarily uses words like "paleontological, pseudoscience, metaphysical, etc.," to express his personal opinion. It would be much easier on his vocabulary and considerably less difficult for common understanding if he would just state that he doesn't care for science fiction. And if this is the case, I am not aware of any laws which make the reading of science fiction mandatory.

(Continued on page 119)