Page:Farmers of forty centuries.djvu/167

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Water Buffalo as Dairy Cows.

Six hundred and forty cakes was the average daily output of this family of eight men and two boys, with their six water buffalo.

Fig. 78.—A dairy herd of water buffalo owned by a Chinese farmer who was supplying milk to foreigners in Shanghai.

The cotton seed cakes were being sold as feed, and a near-by Chinese dairyman was using them for his herd of forty water buffalo, seen in Fig. 78, producing milk for the foreign trade in Shanghai. This herd of forty cows, one of which was an albino, was giving an average of but 200 catty of milk per day, or at the rate of six and two-thirds pounds per head! The cows have extremely small udders but the milk is very rich, as indicated by an analysis made in the office of the Shanghai Board of Health and obtained through the kindness of Dr. Arthur Stanley. The milk showed a specific gravity of 1.028 and contained 20.1 per cent total solids; 7.5 per cent fat; 4.2 per cent milk sugar and .8 per cent ash. In the family of Rev. W. H. Hudson, of the Southern Presby-