Page:Farmers of forty centuries.djvu/236

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In the Shantung Province.

fruits are being tried out with high promise of the most valuable results.

Fig. 118.—Granite hill destitute of soil, rapidly falling into decay. Reforestation area, Tsingtao, Sthantung.

It was in the steep hills about Tsingtao that we first saw at close range serious soil erosion in China; and the returning of forest growth on hills nearly devoid of soil was here remarkable, in view of the long dry seasons which prevail from November to June, and Fig. 118 shows how destitute of soil the crests of granite hills may become and yet how the coming back of the forest growth may hasten as soon as it is no longer cut away. The rock going into decay, where this view was taken, is an extremely coarse crystalline granite, as may be seen in contrast with the watch, and it is falling into decay at a marvelous rate.