Page:Farmers of forty centuries.djvu/452

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Bullocks, 401, 402.

Burdock, 396, 414.

Bureau of Agriculture, Japan, 9, 428.

Burial, 55, 50, 152.

Butter, 150.


Cabbage, 128, 129, 190, 268, 342, 343.

Cakes, oil, 145-149, 190, 192, 257, 357, 358, 378, 392.

Calf, buffalo, 150.

Calico printing, 121.

Caltropes, 134.

Camphor trees, 63.

Canal, Grand, 99, 101, 104, 108.

Canals, 90, 99-102, 107, 346; miles, 8, 101.

Canalization, 98-110, 338; suggested, 273, 280.

Canal mud, 9, 74, 79, 106, 167-174, 315, 317; compost, 181-189.

Candleberry trees, 378.

Canton, 5, 60, 72, 75, 78, 80, 198, 319.

Canton Christian College, 51, 72, 75.

Carpenter, 194.

Carrying pole, 47, 59, 64, 121, 170, 200.

Cart, 341, 401.

Cash, 76.

Caskets, 52, 53, 322.

Cattle, 51, 135, 159, 233, 353, 355, 399, 418; per acre, 2; per mile, 3.

Catty, 76, 149, 150, 169, 255.

Cemeteries, 25, 56.

Chaff as fertilizer, 297.

Chamberlin, Rollin T., 301, 303.

Charcoal, 138-140, 159, 363, 402.

Chart, Kara Exp't Station, 212.

Chefoo, 236, 330.

Chekiang, 98, 100, 111, 113, 141, 284, 300, 314, 315, 319.

Chengtu, 101.

Cherry trees, 402, 403, 405.

Chestnut, water, 134.

Chickens, 130; per mile, 3, 180.

Chihli, 53, 55, 143, 157, 161, 297, 331, 342.

Children, 18, 75, 330, 331, 344.

Chimney beds, 142, 248.

Chungming Island, 4, 61, 106.

Chu Wei Yung, Mr., 224.

Clay, 161.

Clover, 10, 128, 131, 177, 182-189, 276, 286, 293, 316, 380, 397, 413.

Coal, 138, 158, 222, 223; loading, 40.

Cocoons, 311, 314, 321, 322.

Coins, 76.

Cold storage, 77, 90, 343.

College, 51, 72, 75, 381.

Compost, 9, 10, 116, 181-189, 211-213, 232, 243-245, 250-253, 269, 293, 338, 378, 397; pits, 182-184, 248; stacks, 182-189, 248-251, 269, 378, 380, 397, 417.

Compost house, 211-213, 248.

Composting, 250-252, 261, 290.

Confucius, 216.

Conservation suggested, 273, 280.

Cordwood, 363.

Cotton, 6, 59, 61, 143, 262-266, 332; beating, 125.

Cottonseed oil, 145-148; cake, 145-149.

Cows, 149, 190, 284, 288, 341, 402.

Crops, 226, 343, 353, 358, 362, 377, 396; number per year, 6, 90, 272, 343, 377.

Crowding of gardens, 67, 343.

Cucumbers, 35, 36, 203, 266, 398, 419.

Cultivated land, Nara, 400; Tokushima, 410.

Cultivation, 239, 353, 362 ; rice, 292, 293.

Cultivators, 32, 293, 398.

Curiosity, 176.

Current wheel, 301, 303, 399.


Daikubara, Dr., 210.

Dairy, 149, 150.

Dalny, 358.

Dandola, 313.

Delta, Hwang ho, 101; Sikiang, 82, 97, 319; Yangtse, 50, 61, 99, 101.

Density of population, 3, 48, 226, 228, 233, 323.

Dikes, 82, 83, 194, 108, 277, 412.

Dipper, 188, 288.

Donkeys, 122, 232, 233, 341, 353; per mile, 3, 226, 233.