Page:Farmers of forty centuries.djvu/456

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Nagasaki, 42, 48, 376, 377.

Nagoya Exp't Station, 315, 413.

Nanking, 99, 139, 167, 316.

Nara Exp't Station, 211-213, 307, 397, 400.

Netting, 306.

Newchwang, 236, 321, 356, 357, 358.

Newspapers, 167.

New Wiju, 365.

Night soil, 9, 19, 42, 68, 70, 194-200, 379, 397, 401.

Nitre-farming, 252.

Nitrification, 251-254.

Nitrogen, 143, 169; in excreta, 194; supplied, 211, 214, 215, 259, 280, 295, 378, 379, 400, 413; removed, 214, 215, 245, 255; lack, 357, 358.

Nursery, 156.

Nursery beds, rice, 11, 284-289, 385.


Oaks, 159, 319, 321, 368.

Oats, 362, 367.

Official, Chinese, 355.

Oils, 143, 145, 190, 256, 257; cakes, 145-149, 190, 257, 379.

Onions, 343.

Ono, Professor, 22, 396.

Opium, 245.

Oranges, 159, 417.

Osaka, 37.


Packing cases, 165.

Paddies, 7, 276-278.

Paddy fields, returns and expenses, 428, 429.

Paper materials, 164; bags, 23; mulberry, 164.

Parker, Edward C., 358.

Parking, 400, 405, 407.

Paton, 313, 314.

Peaches, 415; orchard, 34, 35, 417.

Peak, Hongkong, 62.

Peanuts, 226, 256, 420, 422.

Pear orchard, 21-23, 31, 33, 417.

Pears, 343, 396, 415. Peas, 90, 92; sprouted, 134.

Pei ho, 53, 330.

Peking, 239, 346.

Perry, Commodore, 15.

Phosphorus, in excreta, 194, 197; in river water, 197; supplied, 74, 112, 143, 207, 211-215, 259, 280, 295, 378, 379, 400, 413, removed, 214, 215, 246, 255, 358.

Pile driving, 17, 118.

Pine boughs, 86, 151, 155, 221, 414.

Pine nursery, 156.

Pine, umbrella, 414.

Pirates, 81.

Plastering, 161-163, 243, 252, 337.

Plow, 225, 385, 386.

Plowing, 93, 190, 191, 224, 284, 378.

Police, 70, 224.

Polishing rice, 304, 307.

Pongee, 321.

Population, country village, 27; Japan, 2, 425; Manchuria, 351; Aichi, 414; Nara, 400; Shizuoka, 417; Tokushima, 410; urban and rural, 427; increase, 425; density, 2, 3, 4, 48, 226, 228, 233, 323; Shantung, 216; Tsitsihar, 351.

Potassium, in excreta, 194; in floors, 254; removed, 214, 215, 246, 255, 358; supplied, 74, 112, 143, 207, 211-215, 259, 280, 378, 379, 400, 413; in river water, 197.

Potatoes, 6, 206, 343, 377, 422. See sweet potatoes.

Poultry, 180; per mile, 3, 180.

Poyang lake, 104.

Press, 139, 148.

Prices, 76, 78, 93, 118, 129-131, 134, 145, 150, 152, 153, 158, 159, 167, 169, 176, 180, 192, 225, 233, 255, 316, 381, 385, 397, 399.

Prince Ching, 39.

Prizes, 380, 397.

Pruning, 316-319, 328.

Pump, 227, 284-288, 297-299, 333.

Pumping, 284-286, 399.

Putai, 106.