Page:Farmers of forty centuries.djvu/458

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Silk worms, wild, 319-322, 368.

Silk, wild, 319.

Size of rice paddles, 277.

Slippers, 307.

Smoking, 90, 148, 245-247.

Snails, 175.

Soil survey, 424.

Soldiers, 334, 355.

Soochow, 151.

Soot, 143.

Sorghum, 157, 161-164, 358.

Soy beans, 31, 122, 213, 226, 255, 256, 268, 309, 341, 342, 379.

Spading, 205.

Sphere of Influence, 217.

Sprouted beans and peas, 134.

Squash, 419.

Staging, 64.

Stanley, Dr. Arthur, 149, 198.

Statuary, floral, 67.

Steaming, 147.

Stem fuel, 138, 143-146, 157, 158, 413.

Stools, 290.

Stove, 234.

Straw, 93, 143, 144, 148, 160, 161, 226, 255, 283, 296, 305, 306, 327, 342, 385, 412; as mulch, 23, 112, 327, 377, 412, 421; as fertilizer, 385, 422.

Straw braid, 165, 226.

Streets, 42, 63, 249, 250, 339.

Subsidies, 380, 397.

Subsoils, 261, 413.

Sugar cane, 83.

Sulphur, supplied, 280.

Sungari, 351.

Superphosphate, 379.

Sweet potatoes, 61, 226, 229, 377, 419, 420.

Swine, 70, 135, 233, 353; per mile, 3.

Swing day, 365.

Swinging basket, 297, 298.

Szechwan, 138, 271, 301, 312, 314, 321, 326, 334-337.


Taiping rebellion, 284.

Taku, 332, 339.

Tally sticks, 77, 78.

Taro, 282, 283, 398.

Taxes, 31, 331, 350, 428, 429, 430.

Tea, 12, 77, 112, 143, 147, 165, 177, 323, 329, 412, 415, 418.

Teams, 232, 341, 354.

Temperature, Manchuria, 345.

Temple, 404-409.

Tenants, 427, 429

Terraces, 45, 46, 70, 105, 277, 278, 279, 363, 376, 388, 390, 391, 417, 418.

Textiles, 164.

Thatching, 31, 331, 350, 428, 429, 430.

Théry, Edmond. 350.

Threshing, 302.

Tibet, 326.

Tientsin, 330-344, 345; crops, 6.

Tile, 161.

Time, economizing, 201-209, 288.

Tobacco, 121, 245-247, 415, 419.

Tokito, Professor, 22, 376, 405.

Tokushima, 410, 411.

Tokyo, 108; plain, 410, 420.

Transplanting, 11, 229, 282, 284, 288, 293, 346, 354, 410.

Trellises, cucumbers, 36, 203; pears, 21.

Trenching, 117, 342.

Tsinan, 107, 222-224.

Tsingtao, 151, 216, 221, 227-228, 233, 330.

Tungting lake, 104.

Tussur silkworms, 319-322, 368.

Typhoon, 61.

Tzeliutsing, 335-337.


Utilization of waste, 193-207, 232, 251, 257, 269, 280.


Vegetables, 42, 44, 90, 128, 129, 282, 309, 329, 342, 377, 398, 414, 418, 419.

Vegetarians, 134.

Vehicles, 236, 238, 341, 361.

Villages, crowded, 26, 27, 249, 339.

Violets, 37.


Wages, 93, 118, 120, 154, 169, 218, 234, 285, 332, 344.

Wall, Chinese, 349, 351.