Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/171

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the King"'s permission to remove his seat to Bathes.

He died 26th Dec. 1 122^^ and was buried at Bath. 1123 Godfrey, the Queen's chajylain-^^ , was elected^^, and Hen. I. consecrated in St. Paul's cathedral, London, 26th Aug.

1123*'^. He died j6th Aug. 1135, and was buried at

Bath. He was the second and last bishop of Bath.


1135 Robert, a monk of Leives, succeeded bishop Godfrey iteph. in 1 135 -11. During his episcopate a serious dispute arose between the canons of Wells and those of Bath relative to the designation or title of the bishops of the see, and this prelate decided that he and his suc- cessors should thereafter be styled Bishops of Bath and Wells ^'-. He died in 1166, having governed the see thirty-one years^-^, and was buried at Bath. The see vacant upivards of eight years. 1174 Reginald Fitz Joceline, archdeacon of Salisbury ^-^^ alien. II. vvas elected bishop of Bath and Wells, and conse- crated in Savoy by Richard archbishop of Canterbury 23rd June 1174^, and enthroned 24th Nov. foUovv-

^ By charter dated 25th Jan. 39 He was nominated by the

1090. "Johannes Regis capella- King at Easter in 1123. Hen.

nus et medicus, qui data Regi Hunt, and Hoved.

multa pecunia sedem episcopa- ^Abb.Chron. Had. deDiceto,

lem Bathoniam transtuUt." Ann. Ann.Winchel., Ann.Waverl. and

Winton. Angl. Sacra, jjars i. p. Flor. Wigorn.

295. *! Flor. Wigorn. and Angl. Sa-

^7 " In die natalis Domini sub- era, pars i. p. 561.

ito post prandium dolore cordis -12 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 561,

correptus, sequenti die moritur." note *.

Sim. Dunelm. col. 247. Florence -i^ Annal. Burton., MS. Cott.

of Worcester, Matthew Paris, Otho, A. IV., and Ann. Winton.

Hoveden, and others, state that " Prid. Cal. Sept. obiit Robertus

he died 29th Dec. ; in the Chron. episcopus Bathon. et Wellen."

S. Crucis (Angl. Sacra, pars i. -^ He was the son of Joceline

p. 160) he is said to die in 11 23, de Bailul bishop of Salisbury,

but the author, like Simeon of *^ Benedict Abbas in Vita Hen.

Durham, commenced the year on II. p. 85, Bromton. col. 1096, and

Christmas day. Hoved. p. 308. See also Angl.

38"Regin8eetasacriset cancel- Sacra, pars i. p. 561, note ^. larius." M.Paris and Hen. Hunt.

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