Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/173

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��BISHOPS. 131

��to bishop Joceline are dated 27th Feb. and 1 2th March 1243-459.

1244 Roger of Sarum, precentor of Sarum, received the 8 Hen. III. royal assent 6<^ to his election loth May ii/i^^^'^, and was consecrated at Reading on the Sunday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (nth Sept.) in that year ^2; he had the temporalities restored to him 7th May 1245. He died xiii Cal. Jan. (20th Dec.) 124763; but according to the Wells Register and the Annals of Tewkesbury, his death occurred 21st Dec, and he was buried at Bath'^^ The license to elect his successor issued 28th Dec. 1 247 ^^, and 1248 William de Bitton or Button, archdeacon of Wells, (Hen.III. was elected. The dean and chapter, by their letter dated 24th Feb. 12478, pray the King to give his assent to their choice *^6, but it was not given until 4th May 67, and he was not consecrated till 14th June 68 following 69, He made his profession of obe- dience to archbishop Boniface at Otford on the second Sunday in Advent (6th Dec.) 1248. He died 3rd April 1 264, and was buried at Wells, in the chapel of St. Mary the Virgin 7o, The prior and convent of Bath,

59 Pat. et Chart. 27 Hen. III. 6 Lett, in Tower of Lend, m. 14. No. 475.

60 The bishop was elected by ^^ Pat. 32 Hen. HI. m. 7. the prior and monks of Bath ^^ One authority (MS. Auctor alone, who refused to join with incertus) states that he was con- the chapter of Wells in the elec- firmed and consecrated at Lyons tion; the King nevertheless, "ad " circa Pentecosten." Whit Sun- instanciam domini Papae," re- day in 1248 fell 7th June; the stored the temporalities to the 14th June was Trinity Sunday; new bishop " salvo jure Regis et and MS. Glaston. states that he ecclesiae Wellensi." was consecrated at Rome and re-

61 Pat. 28 Hen. III. m. 6. turned to England in the spring

62 Matt. Westm. et MS. de following. Statu Ccenob. Glaston. 69 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 565.

63 The custody of the bishopric "<* Canon. Wellens. de Episc. was granted 25th Dec. 1247. Bathon. et Wellens. He was Pat. 32 Hen. III. m. 11. sent as ambassador to Ferdinand

6-1 Canon. Wellens. de Episc. king of Castile and Leon to de- Bath, et Wellens. mand his daughter in marriage 6> Pat. 32 Hen. III. m. 11. with prince Edward.

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