Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/184

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to the regal power in 1470. He was accused of trea- son in 1487, and fled to the University of Oxford for protection ; but he was dehvered up by the chancellor of the University to the King's officers, and committed prisoner to Windsor Castle, where he was confined till his death in May 1491 "6. 1492 Richard Fox, bishop of Exeter, was translated to the

7 H. VII. see of Bath and Wells by papal bull dated 8th Feb. 1491-277^ and obtained the temporalities 4th May following^. In Dec. 1494 he was translated to Dur- ham 79, 1496 Oliver King, bishop of Exeter, was translated to this

II H.VII. see by papal bull of provision dated 6th Nov. 1495 **'J, and obtained restitution of the temporalities 6th Jan. 1495-6 ^1 ; two days afterwards he received the spiritu- alities, and was enthroned 9th ^'- or 12th March fol- lowing^-^. The date of his death has been variously given : according to Godwin it was 24th Jan. 15034 ; to the Wells Register 29th Aug. 1503; and to the Canterbury Register Sept. 1503, the last apparently correct. In his will, which was proved 24th Oct. 1503, he directs his body to be buried in the choir of the new church at Bath, near the first arch on the north side near the high altar '^^.

��76 Before 15th May, for on tamen mihi non est verisimile) that day the canons of Wells in capella quadam ab australi prayed for a license to perform parte chori Windesorensis." the obsequies of Robert, bishop There is no memorial of him in of Bath and Wells, lately de- Bath cathedral, nor any tomb at ceased. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. Windsor; but in a window at 575. e Lib. Rub. Eccl.Wellen. the latter place there is this in-

77 Reg. Morton. scription : " Orate pro domino

78 Pat. 7 Hen. VII. m. 14. Olivero King, juris professore, 7& Pat. ID Hen. VII. m.8. ac illustris Edwardi (primogeniti ^^ Reg. Morton. Henrici Sexti) et serenissimo-

81 Pat. II Hen. VII. p. I. m. 22. rum regum Edwardi Quarti, Ed-

82 MS. Trin. Cantab. wardi Quinti et Henrici Septimi, 8^ Wharton e Reg. Morton. principali secretario, dignissimi 84 Godwin writes, " et specul- ordinis Garterii registrario, et hu-

tus creditur a nonnullis (quod jus sancti coUegii canonico anno

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