Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/195

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{iDOix J (Z^rd June in the M1110 jear, and in petami $tli

Jmm 1502, He; di^d m 1525^^. Hifli nrfli,, dsil4 ^z^di Maidi T525, waa yfmed lotb Jaty 153 J-

mgaed ii tlve kdtler ^m1 ^ ibe jesur 152^^ - ^ f grant el^ arnM 2/$fth Mardi T526 fronu '^ ^^

Ric;h.k:i> Wot^kmaw or VonrtEMA^i, LL,L in 1529- He! died in sonuner'tinie in the jeasr 1537* smA wa hmied in Ihe dmaiiten at Westminster,

Tho3ia. Ck<xmw:t.i^ cf ef Es$^^ hdd ibSs deaaery from 1537 to tlio time of biii death, ^*)ii^ happened at tbe M!>ek on Tower-lnll 2Jdi Jnlj 1540,

WiiMAM Fftzi-Jamk*, som^tiaies called FiTz-^WnL- i,iAM, sneeieeded in 1540, and r%ned it in 154S,

Jow GooDMAs: wa made dean in 154S, and d^vired in 1 5501'*.

Wf j^ri AX TfTKa^EK mieeeeded hi 1550, and was d^nred in 1553 '7.

Jrmv Goo0jf AXr restored m 1553, and again dspnred in 1560I*.

William Titksek, restored ^^ in 1560- Dfed 7th Jvfy 156$, and was buried in St, OlareX Hart-otieel;, T. His win w^is dated and proired in 156SL

J< .V.T Westo9^, ULD^ aieeeeded in 1570; and died '-; ' "' 20th May 1573. He was fmned in the

  • ^': Patrick, DnMin, havii^ been one of

^ Trdand.

\ A .. ^. -.L.D., presited 8th Jan, 1574,

7th Kov. 1589. He was tmried in the

c: - . : -^ '^jfTcgCfTj near St, PaoTs, London.

JoHv HKSKT sueeceded in 1589, and in 1602 the

M Beg. Kii^, Reg. CaatelL ^^ Godw. fJatal. Decan. MS.

  • Beg, Oeik. " See Djer'a Reports, iii. 2<>3*.

Godv. CataL Decao. MS. 2iv akE. Oxon. 17 Ibid.


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