Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/278

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is popularly considered as the first bishop of Selsey. Upon the death of Eegfrid of Northumbria in 685 Wilfred was recalled to Hexham, and Selsey fell under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Winchester^; Daniel, who then held that see, is therefore sometimes improperly considered as the second bishop of Selsey. In reality however Eadberct, second abbot of Selsey, became by a synodal decree the first bishop of Selsey^, though Malmesbury and Florence of Worcester make him the second bishop of that see*^. EoLLA succeeded to the bishopric of Selsey on the death of Eadbert, but he did not preside there very long, and " Episcopatus usque hodie (731.) cessavit 9.'" The next name that appears in the ancient list of bishops of Selsey is

733 SiGGA^o or SiGFRiD, who secms to have been the third bishop of Selsey, and was consecrated by Taetwine archbishop of Canterbury in 733" ; and he was pre- sent at a synod summoned by Cuthbert archbishop of Canterbury in 7461"^, Alubrith ^-K

790 OsA^-^ or BosA^^.


WiGTHUN^^ or Peletun. Ethelulphus^^.

J Beda, lib. iv. c. 13. ^M. e. Sigfrid. Hoveden.

7 Ibid. lib. V. c. 18. Monu- 12 Malmes. de Pontif. lib. ii.

menta 268. C. '* Malmes.; Aluberhtus, Flor.

^ Malmesbury caUs him Ed- Wigorn.

brith, and states that he was '*^ Flor. Wigorn.

consecrated by Nothelm arch- '^ Malmes.

bishop of Canterbury ; but that '^ Malmes. ; Gislherus, Flor.

could not be the case, as Wigorn.

Nothelm was not archbishop ^^ Flor. Wig. ; Totta, Malmes.

until 735. '^ Wiohthun, Flor. Wigorn.;

^ Beda, lib. v. c. 18. Monu- Peletun, Malmes.

menta 268. 19 Etheluulf, Malmes.; Aethel-

10 Flor. Wigorn. Malmes- wlfus, Flor. Wigorn. bury calls him Sigelm.

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