Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/291

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the archbishop on the 5th 7 J, and on the loth of the same month he obtained restitution of the temporali- ties75. He was deprived loth Oct. 1551'^ 1552 John Scory, bishop of Rochester^ was translated to Chi- Edw. VI. Chester 23rd May 1552^7, and was deprived by queen Mary ; he was afterwards made bishop of Hereford by queen EHzabeth : a conge d'ehre on the depriva- tion issued 19th March 1553-4^^, and 1554 George Day was restored in 15547^. He died 2nd

1 Mar. Aug. 1556, and was buried in Chichester cathedral.

His will is dated 26th July 1556, and was proved 12th Nov. 1557. A license to elect a bishop in the room of George Day issued 16th Dec. 1556*^0^ 1557 John Christopherson, S.T.P., dean of Norimch, the i5P.&M. Queen's confessor^ was provided to this see by bull dated 7 th May 1557. He was consecrated 21st Nov. following ^1, on which day also the temporalities were restored to him^"^. He died in December 1558, and was buried in Christ Church, London. The spiritu- alities, on the death of bishop Christopherson, were seized by the dean and chapter of Canterbury 2nd Jan. 1558-9, and a license to elect a bishop in his room issued 22nd June following ^^. 1559 William Barlow, bishop of Bath and Wells, was

2 Eliz. translated to this see, and obtained the royal assent

18th Dec. 1559'^"'. ^ received the archbishop's con- firmation on the 20th of the same month ^^, and the temporalities 27th March 1560^6. He died loth Dec. 1569 ^7 J and was buried in Chichester cathedral.

��1 Reg. Cranm. fol. 300. His ^i Rgg. Pol. ff. 11, 12.

consecration is not recorded. ^^ Pat. 4& 5 P. & M. p. i. m. 2.

75 Pat. 35Hen.VIII.p.2.m.5. 8.3 Pat. i EUz. p. 6. m.21.

76 Reg. Cantuar. 84 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 5.

77 Pat. 6 Edw.VI. p. I. m.32. 85 Reg. Cantuar.

78 Pat. I Mar. p. i. m. 24. ^6 pat, 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6.

79 Pat. I Mar. p. 7. m. 34. ^7 Others say that he died 13th

80 Pat. 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. p. i. Aug. 1568.

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