Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/299

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DEANS. 257

John Cloos enjoyed it in 1481, and died in 15006-2. His will is dated i6th June 1500.

John Pychard was elected 31st March 1501^'^.

Jeffrey Symson was dean here in 1504.

John Young. He died 28th March 15266*. He was consecrated titular bishop of Calliopolis in Thrace about 1517.

William Fleshemonger succeeded in 15266^. His will, dated 28th Sept. 1541, was proved 6th Dec. fol- lowing.

Richard Caurden, elected 20th July 1545^6.

Giles Eyer, elected 24th May and installed lothOct. 154967.

Bartholomew Traheron, elected 8th Jan. 15512.

Thomas Sampson, 1552.

William Pye, elected 29th Aug., and installed 21st

Dec. 1553 6. Hugh Turnbull was installed 27th April 15586^. Richard Curteys was installed 5th March 156670.

Bishop of this see in 1570. Anthony Rushe was installed 10th June 157071, Ob.

1st April 1577. John Boxhall72. Martin Culpepper, M.D., was installed 7th Nov.


William Thorne was installed 30th Dec. 1601 7*.

He died 13th Feb. 1629-30, and was buried in the

cathedral 7 5. Francis Dee succeeded 6th April 163076^ and in 1634

was made bishop of Peterborough77.

62 Reg. Bourchier. 72 Quaere de hoc ? Browne

63 Reg. Cicestren. Willis states that he was never

64 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. 1. ii. dean of Chichester : he was dean p. 152. of Windsor, Peterborough, and

65 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 181. Norwich.

66 Reg. Cranmer. 73 Reg. Cicestren. "* Ibid.

67 Reg. Cicestren. '^ A. O. vol. i. p. 465.

68 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 76 Pat. 6 Car. I. p. 17. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid. n Reg. Laud.

TOL. I. L 1

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