Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/317

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John Piknell to the prebend of Selsey, 25th May

1744, vice Thomas Doyly 73.

John Pinnell to the prebend of Colworth, vice John

Pinnell senior, resigned, ist June 174474. John Hancock to the prebend of Selsey, nth July

1745, vice John Pinnell 75.

Robert Sandham to the prebend of Hampstead, 4th

Oct. 1745, vice John Hancock "6. John Hubhock to the prebend of Sidlesham, 7th Oct.

1745, vice George Jordan"?, Ob. 1st March 1781. John Fulham to the prebend of Heathfield, 7th Nov.

1745, vice John Wynne 78.

Robert Sandham to the prebend of Mardon, 23rd

June 1746, vice John Peachy 79. Daniel Walter to the prebend of Wisborough, 24th

June 1746, vice Daniel Walter senior ^0. John Stuart to the prebend of Hampstead, 24th June

1746, vice Robert Sandham^*.

Charles Skottowe to the prebend of Waltham, 20th

April 1748, vice Robert Rawlinson^^. Thomas Hutchinson to the prebend of Ipthorne, 25th

May 1750, vice Thomas Manningham 3. Richard Harris to the prebend of Wyndham, loth

Aug. 1730, vice John Harris^^^ Ob. 31st July 1768. George Perceval to the prebend of Seaford, 21st

Aug. 1750, vice Thomas Hutchinson 8^. Thomas Newhouse to the prebend of Gates, I2th Oct.

1750, vice George Goodwin 86. Ob. 21st May 1773- John King to the prebend of Hove Ecclesia, 4th Jan.

1751-2, vice John Backshell^". John Wickins to the prebend of Wittering, nth Jan.

175 1 2, vice George Adams^^.

��73 Bishops' Certificates. 82 Bishops' Certificates.

74 Ibid. 75 Ibid. 83 Ibid. 84 Ibid. 7C Ibid. 7- Ibid. 85 Ibid. 86 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. 87 Ibid. 88 Ibid,

��80 Ibid. 81 Ibid.

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