Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/388

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346 ELY.

same month, and received the temporaHtiej? 4th July. He died at Ely House. Holborn. 26th Jan. 1747-8. 1748 Sib Thomas Gooch, bart., hisAop of XonncA. was no- aiGeo. II. niinated jcth Jan 1747-8, elected 19th Feb.. and contirmeti i ith March ^*'. The temporahties were re- stored to him ^2nd March. He died 14th Feb. 1734, tat. Sc. 1754 Matthias Malsox. bishop 0/ Ckicheift^r, was nominateil 2; Geo. II. to Ely 18th Feb. 1754, and electeil 1st March: he re- ceived the royal assent 7 th M;u-eh, and was condrmed on the 15th of the same month^': the temporalities were restored to him 2nd April. He died 23rd Nov. 1770. 1770 Edmund Keexe, bishop of CAesfer, w-as nominated to loGeo.lll. Ely 24th Dec. 177c. and elected 9th Jan. 1771 ; he was confirmed 22nd Jan.^^, and the temporalities were restored to him i8th Feb. He died 6th July 1781, etat. 68. 17S1 James York, bishop of GloW'-ster, was nominated to Ely aiGeo.III. 17th July 17S1. and elected 3rd Aug. He received the royal assent 9th Aug.'\ was confirmed 3rd Sept., and the temporalities were restored to him on the 6th of that month*. Ob. 26th Aug. 1S08, jetat. 78. i8c8 Thomas Dampier. bishop of Bochester, was nominated 4SGo.III. to Ely icth Sept. i8c8. and elected 6th Oct. He re- ceived the royal assent 8th Oct . and was confimied 22nd Xov.^' The temporahties were restored to him ijth Xov.-- Ob. 13th May iSr2. 1812 Bowyer Edward Starke, bishop of Chester, was nomi- 52GW.III. nated 22nd May iSi 2, and elected 4th June He re- ceived the royal assent 6th June, was confirmed on the 19th, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 27th of the same month -^ Ob. 4th April 1836, SBtat. 76.

��^^" Reg. Herring. sr i^id. *^ CHurch Book, Home Office.

^ Reg. Comvrallis. 4- R^g-, Sutton.

^ Church Book. Home Office, -- Church Book, Home Office,

but the letters patent bear date -^-^ Ibid, et Reg. Sutton. 20th Au^. Reff. Comwallis.

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