Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/412

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Archbishop Boniface's confirmation was made on the 4th of that month, and his notification of the fact is dated the 6th ^'^. The temporahties were restored to him on the 6th ^", and his consecration took place on the following Sunday (loth March 5). His decease occurred 22nd July 1280, and he was interred in Exeter cathedraP'^. A license to elect a successor to bishop Bronescorab issued 7th Aug. 1280^*^^ and

1280 Peter of Exeter, sometimes called Peter Quivil, 8 Edw. I. sometimes Quiril, archdeacon of St. David's'='^, a canon of the cathedral there, received the royal assent to his election 7th Oct. 1280^^, and the restitution of the temporalities on the nth of the same month 6^, the ai'chbishop of Canterbury having informed his Majesty, by letter dated the day before, that he had confirmed the election ^^. He was consecrated^ 10th Nov. following '^^. He died 6th Oct. 1291*^" at Exeter, where he was buried ^^. The license to elect a suc- cessor to Peter of Exeter was dated 8th Oct. 1291.

1292 Thomas de Button, called also Bino^, dean of Wells. 20 Edw. I. The royal assent to his election was given 30th Nov.

��5" Lett. inTurr.L0nd.No.493. 64Lett.inTurr.Lond.No.i203.

57 Pat. 42 Hen. IIL m. 12. ^^ The archbishop of Canter-

58 Magister Walterus archi- bury, on the subject of his con- diaconus Surreiensis electus est secration, writes thus to him 26th ad episcopatura Exon. Mirabile Oct. 1280: "Licet munus con- quidem de dicto Waltero accidit, secrationis in instanti Dominica cum infra quindenam suae elec- prox. ante festum Sancti Martini tionis a Rege est admissus, ab in ecclesia metropohtica Cantuar. archiepiscopo confirmatus, ad vobis personaliter impendere vo- ordinem sacerdotis est promo- luimus tamen in propria persona tus, et ad episcopalem dignita- ahquantulum impediti tibi in- tem est consecratus, quod apud dulgemus ut a quibuscumque nos usque in presens est inau- sufFraganeis nostris hujusmodi ditum in tam brevi tempore, munus recipere valeatis." Reg. MS. Lambeth, N". 497. Peckham. fol. 25.

59 Ann. Vet. 66 Annal. Wigorn.

60 Pat. 8 Edw. L m. 6. ^7 His death is also placed 4th

  • " Annal. Eccl. Menevens. Oct.

62 Pat. 8 Edw. L m. 5. 68 Chron. Eccl. Winton. MS.,

6;^ Ibid. m. 4. Chron. Brev. Eccl. Exon.

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