Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/536

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Samuel Croxall, collated 22nd April 1738, vice Wil- liam Egerton ^6.

Joseph Browne, collated 13th Feb. 1752, vice Samuel Croxall 17.

Henry Egerton, collated 20th April 1754, vice Joseph Browne resigned ^^.

Herbert Hill, collated 17th July 1795, vice Henry

Egerton 1^.

Morgan Cove, collated ist Oct. 1828, vice Herbert Hiir^o.

Hugh Hanmer Morgan, collated 21st April 1830, vice Morgan Cove.



Theodosius de Camilla was appointed 9th Dec.


William de Feretta resigned this prebend in 1278.

Adam de Phileby collated 13th Oct. 1278.

Gilbert de Swinfeud, chancellor of Hereford, col- lated 8th June 12872-* on the death of Phileby. He held it in 129123^ and died in 12992^.

Richard de Swinfeud, collated 4th Aug. 1299. Died in 131 1 -^.

Richard de Nonington, collated 3rd Aug. 1311^6.

Thomas de Pembrugge held this in 13 17 -7.

Richard de Monington exchanged, it 27th Feb. 131920, for St. Mangans in Cornwall, with

Robert Hereward, who was appointed on i6th Nov. 1320-S, and confirmed in it 12th June 132429.

Thomas Chandos was appointed by the King 1st June 133030.

" Bishops' Certificates. 25 Reg. Swinf.

'7 lb. 18 lb. 19 lb. 20 lb. 26 Ibid.

21 Pat. 53 Hen. III. m. 26. 27 Pat. 10 Edw. II.

22 Reg. Swinf. fol. 44. 28 Pat. 14 Edw. II. p. i. m. 9.

23 Tax. Eccl. P. Nichol. 29 Pat. 17 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 11.

24 Reg. Swinf. fol. 125 a. 30 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. i. m. 17.

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