Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/547

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Francis Jones, installed 24th March 1584-5.

Sampson Price, collated 14th July 1626.

James Parry, collated loth Nov. 1630.

Philip Lewis, collated 22nd Sept. 1671; resigned it

for Prebenda Episcopi in 1678. Joseph Harvey, installed 20th April 1678. Vacated

it in 1 7 16. William Floyer, installed 13th Aug. 17 16. William Willim, collated 20th Aug. 1752. Guy Hill, collated 24th Sept. 1767. Richard Smith, collated i6th Jan. 1769. Robert Wetherell, collated 5th Aug. 1 796. Gilbert Frankland Lewis, collated nth Jan. 1845.

/\ HAMPTON EPISCOPL John de la Pole died possessed of this stall in 1303. i^ Simon de Faversham, installed in 1303. .Richard Dyer resigned it in 141 1. John Grene alias Norton, collated 26th March 1419. Richard Catesby, presented ist Aug, 1459. Thomas Alcock resigned this prebend in 1522. John Prynn, collated i8th March 1522. Richard Harford succeeded 21st Nov. 155 1. Henry Morgan, collated ist March 155 12. William Ailward, presented 23rd March 1560- 1. Roger Normecot, collated 5th March 1566-7. John Hopkins, collated loth May 1576. Humphrey Eton, installed 30th Aug. 1581. Bernard Bennet held it in 1585; buried 19th Nov.

16 15 at Ross. Philip Price, installed 17th Dec. 1615. Ob. 1660. John Lydal, installed 24th Sept. 1660. His will, dated

6th Oct. 1679, w^s proved on the 20th of the same

month. Thomas Rogers, installed 29th Oct. 1679. Resigned

the stall for that of Prebenda Episcopi. Richard Bulkeley, installed 12th Aug. 1684. Ob.


VOL. I. 3 T

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