Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/635

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John Morse, A.M., succeeded. Collated 8th and ad- mitted loth July 17 19, vice Goodwin deceased.

Richard Jackson, collated 13th July 1747, vice Morse.

William Inge, 20th March 1797, vice Richard Jack- son. Ob. 23rd April 1807, setat. 85.

Charles Buckeridge, 27th April 1807, vice William Inge. Ob. 28th Sept. 1827, setat. 74.


William de Bromyard, resigned this stall in 1304. John Popard or Pupard, admitted vii Cal. Aug. (26th

July) 1305. Resigned in 1309. Succeeded by Philip de Turvill, admitted iv Non. Juhi (4th July)

1309, vice Popard resigned. Roger de Northburgh, succeeded iii Non. Junii (3rd

June) 1337. John de Londesthorpe, collated in 1342. John de Deping, v Id. Junii (9th June) 1354. He ex- changed it with Hugh de Hopewas, who was collated xiii Cal. Junii

(20th May) 1363. Held it in 1381. John de Donyngton, exchanged this prebend with Nicholas Kynchale, who was admitted 31st May

1389. L Thomas de Hylton, collated 18th Sept. 1390. He

quitted it for Stotford. J^Thomas Downe, collated 21st Dec. 1390. i- William Hebden, admitted 4th June 1392.

William Ashdowne, 27th May 1393. He exchanged

it with William Brinklowe^ who was admitted 6th March

A 1398-9.

John Blodwell, LL.D., admitted 25th May 1432. Gregory Browne, collated 4th Sept. 1443.

��^5 This stall is called after a hamlet of that name in the parish of Stow within Lichfield city.

vol. I. 40

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