Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/137

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Samuel Todd, collated 31st March and installed 12th

April 1572.

Christopheh Diggles, collated 30th Aug. and installed 2 ist Sept. 1592, vice Todd resigned.

Laubence St m hton, S.T.P., collated 26th July 1601, and died in 1613, being dean.

Geobge Pbocteb, A.M., installed 2<,ith Dec. 16A3.

Johk Chadwicx, S.T.P., installed 15th March 1617.

William Lincoln, collated 27th Sept. 1631.

Hi en Maplesden, A.M., nominated by the King 14th Feb. and installed iith March 163940.

Matthew Novell, A.M., collated 5th March [668-9. He died in j 690.

Louis A 1 rEBBUBY, S.T.P., (father to Dr. Atterbury, bi- shop of Rochester,) collated 19th July and installed 4th Aug. 1690, vice Matthew Novell deceased. Mo died in 1 693.

s \ mi 1 1. N 1 w bebi , collated 30th May and installed 6th June 1694, vice Louis Atterbury deceased. He died about 1 718.

Matthias Symson, collated 25th June 1718. He quit- ted this stall for Sutton in Marisco.

John Geldeb, A.M., collated 23rd Aug. and installed on the 25th of the same month 1720.

James Ibbotson, D.D., collated 1st May and installed 29th Aug. 1752.

John Pettingal, D.D., collated 9th March and in- stalled 28th July 1758.

Jonathan Robinson, A.M., collated 8th Aug. and in- stalled 13th Oct. 1 781, vice Pettingal deceased.

WilLiam Gibson, A.M., collated nth April and in- stalled 23rd May 1789, vice Jonathan Robinson, de- ceased.

Robert Tredcroft, A.M., collated nth and installed 13th Oct. 1 82 1, vice William Gibson deceased.

John Bouvebie, collated 21st and installed 23rd Nov. 1822, vice Robert Tredcroft resigned.

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