Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/202

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Anthony Scattebgood, A.M., collated 16th April and installed 6th May 1641, S.T.P., "qui obiit iii Oal. Aug. anno salutis 1687. eetatis bus 76, having re- signed this prebend four years 1 efore his death.

S \ \i 1 11. ScATTEBGOOO, collated 26th April and in- stalled 4th May [683, vice Anthony Scattergood re- signed. He died in 1696.

GEBVA8E Nil nil am, B.D., Collated 2nd Jan. and in- stalled on the 6th of the same month 16967, vice Scattergood deceased. He quitted it for Clifton.

William Ni i dhah, B.D., collal id 26th April and in- Btalled let May 1703, vice Gervase Needham resigned.

I [e died 22nd June 1 727.

Hi suv Johnston A.M.. collated 1 jth Nov. 172; ; he

was also chancellor of Bangor. John White, A.M., collated isi Jan. 17334, Swn 1 1 S11 id, collated (.yth and installed 1 ;th Sept.

'7 -A

Thomas Balguy, A.M., collated 31SI May and in- stalled 1 6th July 1 748.

Jons Applebee, B.D., collated 26th Feb. and in-tailed

I I tli A|>ril 1795, vice Thomas Balguy d< d. <>1>. 19th No\ . 1 {25, aetat. I

Peedebici Bobbadaii 1 . collated 24th April 1826, net John Applebee dec* ased.


Jon\ 1 1: Romayn held this stall in 125H. He quitted North Kelsej for Nassington, and was afterwards archbishop of York.

Ralph Harry was collated to this and the chancellor- ship Non. (5th Aug.) 130c. Pie died possessed of it in 13 16. Succeeded by

Antony Hi < or Bee, S.T.P., collated to both dignitn - in [316. In [329 he was made dean of this cathedral, and in 1336 bishop of Norwich.

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