Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/210

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John Hayne, collated 19th May [482. He quitted it the same year to

William Elliot, LL.B., collated 24th Nov. 1482, and installed by proxy [8th Jan. following, vice Hayne re- signed.

Polydoee Vebgill, alias Castellon, collated 13th and installed 16th April 1507, rice Elliot deceased.

Olives Cobi \, collated 1 2th duly 15 13, vice Polydore Vergill resigned. He quitted it for North Kelsey.

Willi \m Hobs] y, LL.D., collated 29th Oct. 1513. He died anno 1543.

EnwABn Williamson, collated 2ist and installed 28th

July [543; and OOCnra j> 1 * > t* it in 1 "/> 1 .

Thomas Hi LLINGH wi, in-tailed 22nd July 1564.

Ralpb Bablow, collated 29th Nov. 1 608, and installed 22nd April 1609. lie resignedj being afterwards mad<

dean m|' Wells.

William Bbidges, l>.D.. collated 8th dune, and in- stalled 18th July 1618, and died in 1624, being arch- deacon "I I Oxford.

Hugh Robinson, installed 24th Feb. [624 ,",. viee Bridges deceased. He died 6th April 1655, being archdeacon of Gloucester.

John Fi \ 1 1 1 v. S.T.P., installed 24th Sept. j66o, and into the precentorship at the Bame time, having Kilsby annexed to it.

TiMonn Welfit, S.T.P., collated 22nd Dee. 1662; but Featley kept him out of possession during his life so that Welfit was installed a second time 10th Aug. 167:. and died 27th Feb. 1 685, atat. 64.

John Wickham, A.M., collated 2ml March and in- stalled on the 8th of the Bame month 1684-5, vice Dr. Welfit deceased.

Matthew Goodwin, A.M.. collated 22nd April and installed tst May 1703, vie!' Wickham deceased. He quitted it for Stow Longa.

Bebnebd Wilson, A.M., collated 3rd and admitted. 13th May 1727.

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