Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/247

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��982 Gicax or 6 06 wan was consecrated by arch-

bishop of Canterbury in y^z : .

983 Bledri \ Ob. 1022.

022 was consecrated bishop of Llandaff by Aethel- notb, archbishop of Canterbury, ist Oct. 1022. Ho died at Borne in 1046 10 .

056 Herewald 11 was consecrated by Stigand in the year 1056, and died 6th .March 1 [03 4.

Tin' Bi < was void uptoards ofthn >/> < , % afti r the <'> ath of 11' it wold.

107 Umi.w, archdeacon of Llandaff, was consecrated <>n Hen. I. Sunday 11th Aug. 1107 12 by Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury 13 , after his reconciliation with the King. Tie died in 1133 14 , on his journey.froin Rome, where lie had been to obtain the Pope^ letters for the re- covery of the possessions of the bishopric 15 .

After the death of Urban the set was void about six years.

��" Anno 9S2 data est Gucauro virga pastoralis in regali curia a summo Rege Anglorum Ead- garo. Pra?sentibus in conse- cratione sufiraganeia Angliae Birthelmo episcopo, episcopo, Adewoldo Oswaldo Wigornise

episcopo et multis aliis

clericis et laicis. Post datum sibi apostolicam dignitatem, migravit ad Dominum. Rot. Cantuar. Eccl.

8 Anno 983 electione facta. . . . . infra ostium Tarader in Gui, et ostium Tavi positi, et dato sibi baculo in regali curia a summo Rege Anglorum Ae- delredo, et a Metropolitano Cant. Eccl. Blederi episcopus Landa- viae consecratus est. Rot. Can- tuar. Eccl.

vol. 11. 1 i




��9 Kal. Oct. et in primo anno cycli decennovalis verbo Regis Anglorum Chnut.

'" Hint y Tvwysogion, and Annates Cambriae. " Et xxiv. ordinationis sua? anno in via S.lYni apostoli apud civitatem Augustam migravit ad Domi- num." Rot. Cantuar. Eccl.

11 Heruualdus, Annal. Mar- gan.

12 Cons. 1 107. 3 Id. Aug., Flor. Wigom. ; Cons. 1104., Annal. Margan. ; Cons. 1107. 7 Id. Aug., Eadmer.

13 Sim. Dunelm. Hoved. Flor. Wigom. et RogAVendover.

14 Ob. Roma; 1131. Annal. Margan. ; ob. 1134 in itinere Romano Rog. Wend, et Matt. Paris; ob.1133. Matt.Westm.

15 Hen. Hunt. p. 220.

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