Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/8

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parishes of Monks Risborough and Ilalton, peculiars of < 'anterbury ; and Abbots Aston and \\ in. slow, with its members Grandborouirli and Little Harwood, here- tofore ohapelries ofWinslow. It bad also the better half of Hertfordshire 1 , portions of Rutlandshire, Ox- fordshire, and Northamptonshire . The whole of the district was under the jurisdiction 9 of six aroh-

deacons, viz. of Lincoln, Stow, Leicester . Urdlord, Huntingdon . and Buckingham 6 .

On list Aug. 1837, the whole count) of Nottingham, (except the deanery of Southwell] then forming the archdeaconry of Nottingham, and part of the province and diocese of York, was by an order in council dis- severed and detached from thai province and dio< and annexed and united to, included in and made to form pari of. the provinoe of Canterbury, and dio of Lincoln. Hv another order in council dated 4th dune 1841, the deanerj and exempl jurisdiction of Southwell won- placed within the -aid province and dioct -

��1 That portion of Hertford- cess of Lincoln, was dissevered

shin' in tin- diocese of Lincoln and detached therefrom, and

was by order in council BthAug. onited and annexed to the dio-

184s detached and dissevered cese of Peterborongh.

from the said diocese, and an- > The whole archdeaconry and

oexed to thai of Rochester. county of Bedford, and so much

8 Anterior to the erection of of the archdeaconry of Hunting- the bishopric of Peterborough don forming part of the diocese tlif archdeaconries of i Oxford and of Lincoln, was by order of conn- Northampton were also in the til 19th April 1837 detached and dioceseof Lincoln, but they were, dissevered from the said dun on the foundation of that bishop- and permanently annexed and ric, transferred to and made part united to the diocese of Ely. of the diocese of Peterborough. ' By another order in council

8 By order in council 8th Aug. 19th July i\}7 the whole county

[845, all peculiars in this dio- of Buckingham, forming the

cese were abolished. archdeaconry of Buckingham in

A On 2is1 Aug. 1837 an the diocese of Lincoln, was abso- order in council was made by lutely detached and dissevered which the whole county of Lei- from the said dii nd per- center, forming the archdeaconry manently annexed and united to of Leicester, and part of the dio- the diocese of Oxford.

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