Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/101

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William Masters, 14th Feb. 1666-7, vice Dolben pro- moted to the see of Rochester 6 .

William Stanley, S.T.B., icSth Sept. 1684, vice Mas- ters deceased \

Joseph Steadman, collated 25th Oct. 1 73 1 8 .

Thomas Jackson, ...Hated ioih April 1733 9 .

Samuel \i< holls, collated 21st April i74y 1 ".

Pdltee Forester, collated 10th Dec. 1756, vice Ni- cholls 11 .

John Sturges, collated 28th Aug. 1778, vice Pulter Forester 1 -.

Benjamin Wheeler, collated nth July 1783, vico John Sturges 13 . Ob. 22nd July 1 7 S3.

Samuel Horsley, collated 8th Aug. 1 783^08 Wheeler 1 '.

Thomas Winstanley, collated 17th May 1794, vice Samuel Horsley 1 '. Ob. 2nd Sept. 1823, eetat. 74.

William Wood, collated 27th March 1810, vice Win- stanley "'.

Thomas Gaisford, collated 31st Oct. 1823, vice Wood.


Theobald or Tethbald held this stall in 1103 '". O00 occurs in 1132'^.

Parisius, " nepos Roberti Pulli," occurs 1 183. William de Hely or Ely, the Kino's treasurer, held

it 1 192, and died 1223. Marti x de Pateshull, dean of London. Hugh de London, archdeacon of Colchester. William de Sanct.k M ari.eEcclesia, dean of London. Guy de Palude, 6th April 1 243 l9 . Robert de Passelewe held this stall in 1243 20 .

��Reg. Henchman, f. 123. ? Reg. Dec. et Cap. Lib. L. f.

7 Reg. Compton, f. 83. 19.

8 Bishops' Certificates. 18 Ibid. f. 53.

9 Ibid. 10 Ibid. 19 Pat. 27 Hen. III. m. 31.

u Ibid. 12 ibid. 20 p at . 27 Hen. III. m. 4 . et

13 Ibid. 14 ibid. Pat. et Chart. 27 Hen. III. m.

15 Ibid. 16 Ibid. 10.

3 b 2

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