Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/13

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After the death of bishop FoHot, the see of London remained void upwards of a year.

A conge cTelire, dated 2cth March 1 188-9, wus ac '* dressed to Ralph de Diceto, dean of London, com- manding him to attend the King in Normandy with eight of the canons of St. Paul's, to elect a bishop . No election however took place; for king Henry, pressed by other matters, delayed it from day to day, and died 6th July following.

Richard de Ely, suraamed Fnz-Ni am '\ dean of Lincoln, and archdeacon of Ely <md Colchester, was nominated bishop of London by king Richard at PipeweU 15th Sept. u<S<.j\ and was consecrated at Lambeth by archbishop Baldwin ]ist Dec. following s , and was enthroned the same day. lie died loth Sept. i iu89.

W1111 mi of St. Mauv's Church, dean of St. Martin's, London, a canon of York and also of St. Paufs, was elected 16th Sept. 11 98, and consecrated 1 " at West- minster 23rd May 1 199 11 . Lie voluntarily resigned '"- his bishopric 25th Jan. 122 J ' ', and certain lands bo- longing to the see were granted to him by the Pope's authority". On the resignation of this prelate, a conge d'elire issued 2nd Feb. following

��5 Ymag. Hist, de Diceto. col. sterium, x Cal. Junii (23rd May) 644, et 648. 1199- Reg. Cantuar.

6 Filius Nigelli episcopi Elien- n R. de Diceto, col. 705.

sis. 12 He, with most of the other

7 Rad. de Diceto, col. 648. bishops, left England in conse-

8 Ibid. col. 651. Diceto says quence of the papal interdict, 1190, but he begins the year on (Matt. Paris) ; and he returned Christmas-day. 20th Aug. 1213. Histor. Eliens.

9 Ibid. col. 704. et Gervas. p. 634.

Chron. col. 1614. Annal. Win- 13 Matt. Paris, et Pat. 5 Hen.

ton. et Annal. Suthwerc. The Ill.m. 5.

Annal. Teokesbir. place his death 14 Pat. 5 Hen. III. m. 6. He

3rd Sept. died at St. Osyth's 27th March

10 Willielmus episcopus Lon- 1224. MS. Cott. Vitel. D. xviii. don professionem fecit Huberto et Mich. Trivet, archiepiscopo apud AVestmona- 15 Pat. 5 Hen. III. m. 6.

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