Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/3

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��that diocese from the whole county of Hertford 6 , and from those parts of the county of Essex which are not included within the new limits.

These recommendations were carried out by order in

council dated <Sth Aug. iS45-

Godwin has given the names of sixteen ecclesiastics 7 , whom he styles archbishops of London s ; and LeNeve has adapted that list upon Godwin's authority. It has not, therefore, been thought advisable to omit them.

i. Tiiiaxi s, during the reign of Lucius king of the Britons 9 , built the church of St. Peter, Cornhill, which he made an archiepiscopal see.

2. Eluanus succeeded, and was sent on an embassy to

pope Eleutherus I0 .

3, Cadai.

4. OlIIMs.


6. Palladius.


X. Iltutus.

9. Theodwinus or Dedwyxis.

��6 The whole county of Hert- ford and those portions of the county of Essex not allotted to London were to he placed in the diocese of Rochester.

" Wharton, (de Episcopis Lon- dinensihus, p. 5.) however, thinks that the names of the prelates of this see, anterior to the advent of the Saxons, have all perished except those of Restitutus and Fastidius.

8 Temporibus Britonum tres fuerunt archiepiscopatus in An- glia, unus in urbe Londinensi, cui subjacuit Loegria et Cornu- bia. Alius in Eboraco, cui sub- jacuit Deira et Albania. Tertius in urbe Legionum, i. e. Kirlyim,

��qure nunc dicitur Saneti David, cui subjacuit Kambria. Rad. de Diceto de Prsesulibus Anglicanis, caj). 1.

9 Supposed to have reigned in the latter half of the second cen- tury. "Anno Domini clxxix. Lucius rex fundavit primam ec- clesiam Londoniae, sc. ecclesiam Sancti Petri de Cornhulle : Et ibi fuit sedes metropolitana per quadringentos annos et amplius, usque ad adventum S.Augustini Anglorum Apostoli." Chron. Rad. de Baldoc Episc. Lond.

10 According to Muratori Eleutherius presided from 170 to 185.

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