Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/7

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E('Guulf :,;j is supposed to have succeeded to Inguuald. He was present at tho council of Cloveshoe, held in the year 747 ".

Wk;iied 33 is reported to have been bishop of London in the year 754, but nothing concerning him beyond his name has reached posterity.

E vDuuiGin 111 stands in tho ancient lists of tho bishops of London, as the ninth after its first establishment.

Eadgab attests a charter as bishop of London in the year 789 <~.

Coenwalch 38 is named as the eleventh bishop of Lon- don.

Eaddald 1 is ranked next to Coenwalch, but tho dates of their successions and deaths are not known.

Heathobkiut lu died about 802.

Osmukd " or Oswyk was present at the council of Clo- veshoe, held in 803 '-'. The date of his death is un- known, but it probably hapened before 816; Godwin makes him alive in 833, but he perhaps was deceived by a charter purporting to have been granted by Uuiglaf, king of Mercia, on 26th of May 833, in which these words occur. " + Ego Osmnndus Londoniensis

��33 Flor. Wigom. ; Egxilf, Mai- Kenewalchus, Cenwalh, Ken- nies. Pontif. Le Neve also calls wald, Kenwalk, and Kenewalth. him Engulfe, Egwolfe, and Eg- 39 Flor. Wigom.; and Malmes. nald. Pontif.

34 Concil. Angl. torn. i. p. 94. 40 Flor. Wigom. ; Hecbertus, 36 Flor.Wigorn.; Wigeth,Mal- Malmes. Pontif. Hathbert, ob.

mes. Pontif. ; also called Wighet, 801, Hoveden; called also by the

"Wigherus, Wihelrus, Wigetus, cbroniclers Hecbert, Hathoberht,

Sighaeh, Sighay, Sibbeh, and /Eathoberht, Herebert, Hado-

Mihenus. bricht, and Eadbert.

36 Flor.W r igorn.; Edbriht,Mal- 41 Flor.Wigorn.; and Malmes.

mes. Pontif .; called alsoEadbricht, Pontif.

Eadbert,Filbrith,Edbert,andEd- ^ Cone. Angl. torn. i. p. 167.

berd. He is said to have been present

37 Text. Roff., printed in Kem- at the council of Beaconsfield, ble's Chart. Angl. Sax., vol. i. held in the year 799, but the p. 187. proceedings of this council are

38 Flor. Wigorn. ; Kenwalch, held to be spurious. Malmes. Pontif. ; called likewise

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