Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/124

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118 VOJIK. 1714 Sir William Da w i . s , bart ., bishop of Ckester, was 13 Ann. elected 26th Feb. 17 13 — 14; wa? confirined 9th Marcli 1 713-14, and enthroned on the 24th of the same month. He died 30th April 1724, tetat. 53. 1724 Lancelot BLACKBrux, hishop of Exeter, was nominated II Geo. I. archbishop of York 19th Oct. 1724, and received the royal assent 20th Nov. ; he was confirmed on Satur- day the 28th of that month in St. James's church, Westminster, and the temporalities were restored to him 3rd Dec."o He died 23rd March 1742-3, and was buried ist April 1743 ^" St. Margaret's church, Westminster. 1743 Thomas Herring, bishop of Banpov and dean of Ro- i6Geo. II. Chester, was nominated by the King 6th April 1743, and the conge d'elire and letter missive were there- upon sent to the chapter of York for his election"'. The royal assent was given to his election 13th April'-, he was confirmed in St. George's, Hanover square, 2 1st April, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 23rd of that month " '. He was nominated to Canterbury in Oct. 1747. 1747 Matthew Hutton, bishop of Banqor, was nominated 21 Geo. II. by the King 25th Nov. 1747, and the usual conge d'eliro and letter missive were issued for his election 7^. Ho was elected 28th Nov., and the royal assent was given to his election 2nd Dec."^ He was confirmed 10th Dec. and the temporalities were restored to him on the 15th of the same montli". He was nominated to Canterbury 29th March 1757"'. 1757 John GiLREHT, bishop of Salishurj/, ti» nominated by 3oGeo. II. the King 29th April 1757, and the usual conge d'cHre and letter missive issued on the occasion"^. He was elected 13th May, and the royal assent was given to 70 Church Book, Home Office. "•'• Church Hook, Home Office. "I Ibid. 72 Ibid. 76 Ibid. 77 Ibid. '•' Ibid. 74 Ibid. 78 Ibid.