Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/138

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132 VOKK. H 2 held it in 1215. Sampson held it in 1217. Alkxaxdkr held it in 1230^ Laurkkce of Lincoln', was so styled in J 239 and 1241^. He died about 1247. Sewai.i, de Bovil was archdeacon of York xvii Cal. Feb, (i6th Jan.) 1249— 50 '^o<>ri after he became dean of this church. Ralph held it in 1256. Reyneeus de Skiptox died possessed of this dignity in or about i 265. Dedicius dk Camilla was presented by the King to this dignity (void by the death of R. de Skipton) in the vacancy of the see, about the latter end of March 12656. G. GiFFARD seems to have been archdeacon of York in 1267". Thomas de Wythorx held it in 1270. RoHKRT Burxel was possessed of it 24th Jan. 1271^. In 1275 he was made bishop of ]5atli and Wells. Walter of Glotcester, was appointed archdeacon of York in 1282-3, and on going beyond sea constituted a proxy 5th Nov. i 283"^. William de Hamelton was collated 5th Dec. 1288 ; he was possessed of it in 1292^^. In 1298 he was elected dean of this church ; but he seems to have held the archdeaconry up to May 1300*'. AvMox OF Savoy held this dignity in 1300'^. Gerard de Syziriaco held it in 1304 '-*. 2 Pat. 17 Joh. p. 1 8a. « Pat. 56 Hen. III. See Lett. '* MS. Cotton. Faustina, A. iii, in Turr. Lond. N^". 638, 1155, f. 297. Mon. Angl. torn, iii. p. 116S and 1719. 150. •* Pat. II E(hv. I.

  • Mon. Angl. torn. iii. p. 157. "^ Prj-nn. Coll. torn. iii. p. 470.

•"• Rc^. Kbor. pones II. Squire. " Ileg. Corbridg. fi Pat. 50 Hon. III. in. 2;^. • Pat. 28 VaUv. I. ' Reg. Giffard. 12* Reg. Corbridg.