Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/159

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ARCHDEACONS OF NOTTINGHAM. 153 Robert Marsden, B.D., collated i8th Feb. 1715-16. Hugh Thomas, collated 30th Sept. 1748, on the death of Robert Marsden. Richard Kaye, collated 2nd Aug. 1780, on the death of Hugh Thomas. John Eyre, collated 4th Jan. 1810, on the death of sir Richard Kaye, bart. Ob. 23rd March 1 830. William Barrow, appointed in 1830. George Wilkins, collated 24th April 1832, vice Wil- liam Barrow. This archdeaconry was transferred to the diocese of Lincoln by order in council 21st Aug. 1837. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 61I, os. lodj'^ PRECENTORS. This dignity was erected in the year 1090 by arch- bishop Thomas. Gilbert appears to have been the first precentor of York. He was present at the consecration of An- selme, archbishop of Canterbury "3. He was likewise a witness to a deed of archbishop Thomas, made in 1113. William de Augo held this dignity in 1 144. Hamo was a subscribing witness to a deed of archbishop Roger of Bishopsbridge, made in the 2nd year of his pontificate 1 155. The same name occurs as precentor of York in 1 195"^ Hugh Muedac was appointed in 1201, but not ad- mitted. Radulf or Ralph de Kyme was also appointed in 1 20 1. Ho is mentioned in 1213 as " quondam pra)- centor Ebor.7^ Reginald Arundel circa 1206. 72 Ecton, p. 12. 74Spelm.Concil.tom.ii.p.i23. '• Decern. Scrij)t. col. 1707. '* Pat. 15 .loh. vol.. III. X