Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/173

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PREBENDARIES. 167 Leonard Say, collated 28th March 1476—7. Ob. 25th April J 493. John Reynold succeeded 30th April 1493. -^^ became archdeacon of Cleveland in 1499. Martin Collins succeeded 30th Nov. 1494. He be- came precentor in 1496. Richard Walwigh succeeded loth Nov. 1495. Edward Underwood succeeded 18th Nov. 1496. Anthony Sellenger succeeded 30th Nov. 1497. John Young succeeded 6th April 15 14. He became dean of this church in the same year, and resigned this stall. William Burgh succeeded on John Young"*s resigna- tion. Robert Nooke, 9th May 1525. Thomas Knowles, collated nth May 1529. Ob. 9th May 1547. John Coultman, collated ist April 1546. Thomas Cotesford, 10th July 1553. Thomas Clement, installed 19th May 1554. Melchior Smith, collated 1 8th June 1564. Henry Coppinger, collated 4th Dec. 1591. Ambrose Coppinger, collated 2nd June 1619. James Lister, A.M., installed 13th Oct. 1660. Richard Hill, A.M., collated 2nd Aug. 1671. John Roe, M.A., collated 18th Jan. 1704. Thomas Scott, A.M., collated 9th June 1707. Jaques Sterne, LL.D., 19th April 1729, on the death of Thomas Scott. John Kay, A.M., i6th March 1730—31, on the resig- nation of Jaqucs Sterne. Benjamin Wilson, A.M., 30th May 1735, on the death of John Kay. Robert Reynolds, 30th Sept. 1736, on the death of Benjamin Wilson. William Herring, A.M., 13th July 1744, on the death of Robert Reynolds.