Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/175

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PREBENDAKIES. 169 Roger de Freton succeeded T9th Aug. 1370. Thomas de Stanley, collated 24th Feb. 1381—2. John Skirlaw, collated nth Sept. 1382. Roger Bacon, collated 23rd March 1382-3. Thomas Orgrave, i ith March 1385-6. William Walsham, collated 4th Nov. 1386 ; appoint- ment ratified i6th April 1388^6. John Macclesfeld, appointed 19th Oct. 1389^7. Thomas Forester, appointment ratified 31st Dec. 138968. William Atwode or Attewode, appointment ratified 30th July 1390^^, and again 24th April 1393 7^. Thomas Parker, 17th Sept. 1410. Robert Bowett, collated 6th Oct. 1423. Ralph Beauford, collated 20th Feb. 1429—30. Thomas Kirkeby, 7th April 1450. Robert Bothe, 14th Jan. 1476-7. Thomas Bothe, collated 14th Feb. 1477-8. Peter Carmeliano, collated 19th April 1498. John, bishop of Elphi% and abhot of Welheck, collated 13th Jan. 1527-8. George Henneage, 20th Aug. 1536. He was also dean of Lincoln. William Clayburgh, 22nd Sept. 1549. Alban Langdale, 26th May 1554. He was afterwards archdeacon of Chichester and chancellor of Lichfield cathedral. William Day, 22nd April 1560. He was afterwards dean of Windsor and bishop of Winchester. Laurence Nowell, 27th May 1566. He was also dean of Lichfield. Chulstopher Gregory, 15th Aug. 1577. Zachary Steward, 12th Oct. 1600. ^ Pat. ir Ric. II. p. 2. m. 22. ^"^ Pat. 14 Ric. II. p. i. m. 27.

  • ^ Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 34. *' Pat. 16 Ric. II. j). 3. m. 23.

'*'** Ibid. m. 22. vol.. HI. /