290 DURHAM. 1333 Richard de Bury alias Angarvill^, dean of Wells, 7 Edw. III. was provided to the bishopric of Durham by the Pope 14th Oct. 1333, the temporaHties were restored to him by the King 7th Dec. following^^", and on the 19th of the same month he was consecrated^^. He was ap- pointed treasurer of the exchequer 3rd Feb. 1334^^, and chancellor of England 28th Sept. following'". He died at Auckland 14th April 1345, Jetat. 5871, ^nd was buried in Durham cathedral. A conge d'elire, vice bishop Bury, issued 23rd April 1345'-^. 1345 Thomas de Hatfield, the King's secretary, was elected 19 Edw. in. 8th May 134573. he obtained the royal assent and the temporalities on the 24th of the same month'-*, and was consecrated loth July following. He died 8th May 138 1, and was buried under the bishop's throne in a magnificent tomb which he had constructed. His will, dated 28th March 138 1, was proved i ith May following. A license to elect a bishop in the place of Thomas de Hatfield issued 20th May 1381"^; not- withstanding which the Pope promoted 1382 John de Fordham, a canon of Lincoln and dean of 5 Ric. II. Wells, to the see of Durham by bull dated 9th Sept. Yeme 1333, et adivit ad Regem dience to the archbishop 12th Edwardum pro temporalibus : Feb. 1333-4. sed postea archiepiscopus Ebo- ^y Pat 8 Edw. III. p. i. m. 40. rum, receptis buUis Papae pro 70 Claus. 8 Edw. III. m. 10. Ricardo de Bury, misit priori "1 (3thers say 24th April, et conventui Dunelm. ad eligen- "^ Pat. 19 Edw. III. p.i. m.io. dum de novo episcopum suum '*^ He was forced upon the j)er mortem Ludovici. Non ob- chapter, upon which they ap- stante confirmatione electionis pealed to the Pope ; but his Roberti de Graystanes Kal. Jan. Hohness declined to interfere, 1333. Et dominus archiepiscopus and observed, saysWalsingham, fatetur omnia circa consecratio- " Si Re. Angliae pro asino ad nem Roberti de Graystanes facta episcopatumj)rovehendomenunc fuisseperignorantiamattemptata. rogasset, repulsam certe non tu- ^^ Awngevill. Hist. Dunelm. lisset." 67 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 6. 74 Pat. 19 Edw. III. p.i. m. 10 6^ Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 763. et 7. He made his profession of obe- 76 Pat. 4 Rjc. II. p. 2. m. 14.