Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/539

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PROFESSORS. 538 John David Macbride, D.C.L., late fellow of Exeter college^ 1813; now principal of Magdalen hall. ALDRICHIAN PROFESSORS OF MEDICINE. This and the two following professorships were founded in 1803 under the will of Dr. George Aldrich. Robert Bourne, M.D., late felloio of Worcester college^ 1803. James Adey Ogle, M.D., of Trinity college, 1824. ALDRICHIAN PROFESSORS OF ANATOMY. Sir Christopher Pegge, knt., M.D., late fellow of Oriel college ; afterwards of Christ Church, 1 803. John Kidd, M.D., late student of Christ Churchy 1822. James Adey Ogle, M.D., of Trinity college, 1822. ALDRICHIAN PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. John Kidd, M.D., late student of Christ Church, 1803. Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny, M.D., fellow of Magdalen college^ 1822. PROFESSORS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Founded in 1825 by Henry Drummond, esq. Nassau William Senior, M.A., late fellow of Mag- dalen college^ 1^25. Richard Whately, D.D., principal of Alban hall, 1830 ; now archbishop of Dublin. William Forster Lloyd, M.A., student of Christ Chtirch^ 1832. Herman Merivale, M.A., late fellow of BalUol college, Travers Twiss, D.C.L., fellow of University college, 1842. Nassau William Senior, M.A., late fellow of Mag- dalen college ; re-olcctod in 1847.