Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/589

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HART HALL. 583 Walter Covvse again in i486. Richard Panter, 1488, Trott, 1495. William Glover, 1496. John Rugge, 1501. William Ewen, 25th Oct. 1503. He was killed in a fray betwixt the northern and southern scholars in 1506. John Parkhouse^ M.B., succeeded in 1506. Thomas Mede, 1510. Thomas Irysh, 26th Nov. 1514. John Moreman, S.T.B., 1522. John Whyte, 1 ith July 1527. John Frenche, 22nd Nov. 1535. Roger Bromhall, 7th July 1541. William More, 1544. Thomas Vyvian^ 5th Jan. 1545. Philip Randall, M.A., M.B., 9th March 1549. He died 1 ith March 1598, and was buried in the church of St. Peter in the East, Oxon. John Eveleigh, 1599. Theodore Price, M.A., fellow of Jesus college, suc- ceeded in 1604. Thomas Iles, S.T.P., succeeded 13th March 1621. Philip Parsons, M.D., was admitted J 5th April 1633. Ob. ist May 1653. Philip Stephens, ^l.K.y fellow of New college, was ad- mitted 17th March 1653. Timothy Baldwyn, A^.T)., fellow of All Souls college, was admitted 2i8t June 1660. John Lamphire, M.D., principal of New- Inn hall, was translated hither 30th May 1663. ^^- 3^^^^ March 1688. William Thornton, M.A., 1688. Ob. 25th Sept. 1707; 'i'lfOMAs Smith, S.T.P., 1707. Ob. 15th July r7io.